Marco Sigola
Marco Sigola - Doctor in Food Safety. After his studies, he followed various masters of specialization on food and feed safety. He is Quality Manager of Cereal Docks Group and he is Direction of the Group [...]
Marco Sigola - Doctor in Food Safety. After his studies, he followed various masters of specialization on food and feed safety. He is Quality Manager of Cereal Docks Group and he is Direction of the Group [...]
Technical Director at Imprint Analytics GmbH (Austria). He has extensive experience with stable isotope analysis and Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry. He uses his expertise to develop new methods and technical c [...]
Global Programme Manager - Mycotoxin Risk Management [...]
Environmental Health Specialist/ Hoima Field Site Manager at Infectious Diseases Institute-IDI Knowledge Centre, Makerere University (Uganda). His areas of expertise are: infectious disease, policy, public/glob [...]
Microanalytical Division Manager & Scientific Director at Neotron Cotecna. [...]
Thomas Glaze is a senior scientist/manager at Eurofins Abraxis. He has over 20 years of experience with developing ELISAs, performing antibody affinity purification, and protein extraction/purification. [...]
Scientific & Regulatory Affairs Manager at European Snacks Associatio. [...]
Professor of Food and Society at Newcastle University (UK). Previously Professor of Food Safety and Consumer Behaviour at Wageningen University (The Netherlands). Her research interests focus on understanding [...]
Biologist - CEO Cometec Group Srl (Italy) She worked many years in risk management in agri-business. Since 2002, she is managing the mycotoxin risk in raw materials during loding/discharging. &nbs [...]
Administrator at European Commission [...]
Head of Laboratory / Business Development at Imprint Analytics GmbH (Austria). He performed academic research on isotope geochemistry and serves today as the link between isotope analytics and business manageme [...]
General Director at Potato Processors Association LtdGeneral Deputy Director at Snack Nut and Crisp Manufacturers Association [...]
Senior Manager for Food Policy, Science and R&D at FoodDrinkEurope [...]
Technical Consultancy Food/Acrylamide Mitigation (EU 2017/2158)/Problem Solving / Productivity/ Health & Wellness/NPD [...]
Nutrition and climate change researcher. [...]
Nigel Halford is a Principal Research Scientist at Rothamsted Research, the UK’s largest and oldest crop and agricultural research centre. He is a member of the Designing Future Wheat programme and the Pl [...]
He graduated in Biological Sciences by the University of Valencia in 1989. He carried out his postgraduate studies at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, with a PhD thesis entitled “Production of mono [...]
Sandra Fernández, PhD in Chemistry by the University of Valencia. Research conducted in the Food Safety Research Area-FISABIO, focused on the development of analytical strategies for its application in H [...]
He obtained a BSc in biochemistry and PhD in pharmacy from the University of London. Before his retirement in 2021, he was a Special Projects Manager at Campden BRI, which he joined in 1990 after working in lab [...]
Armando Venâncio is an Associate Professor of the School of Engineering, University of Minho, Portugal, where he is engaged in teaching courses in the Master degrees in Chemical and Biological Engineering [...]
Associate Professor of Food Chemistry at the Department of Food Science, University of Parma (Italy). Her research activity is mainly focused on the characterization, toxicological relevance, and function [...]
He is the Director of the International Lab for Biointerface and Biodetection at Jiangnan University. His research interests include self-assembly of chiral nanomaterials, optical property discovery, and fabric [...]
Product specialist at Generon [...]
Wim Reybroeck is Senior scientist – lab manager at the Technology & Food Science unit within the Flanders research institute for agriculture, fisheries and food (ILVO) (Flemish Ministry of Agriculture [...]
Dr. Liberty Sibanda, International Sales Manager for Randox Food Diagnostics Ltd, Has over 20 years of experience developing and marketing mycotoxin test kits and has published numerous papers on the detection [...]
Food Allergen Management Specialist at Food & Allergy Consulting & Testing Services (facts) [...]
Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC), Spain [...]
Private consultant with 25+ years of experience in the food industry and standard management. He is an expert in all domains related to management systems implementation, risk analysis, international standards, [...]
Product Manager for Food Allergen Testing at Eurofins Technologies. [...]
Prof. of Food Chemistry and Head of the Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology at the University of Vienna. [...]
Principal Consultant at Food Fraud Advisors and Technical Manager at HACCP International (Australia). She has more than 20 years experience in food manufacturing, quality assurance, food product development, an [...]
Chief Scientific Officer, Eurofins US Food Division at Eurofins. She is a member of the AOAC’s Acrylamide Working Group. [...]
Consultant and co-founder of FOCOS GbR (Food Consulting Strategically). He has more than 20 years experience in the food industry and authored over 50 publications on topics of food authenticity, food analysis, [...]
Principal Scientist, NRL, ICAR-NRC for Grapes, Honorary Professor, Queen's University Belfast & University of Laval, Canada [...]
Food Allergy Risk Assessor at TNO (The Netherlands). Currently she is Program Leader of SRP Food Allergy Program (line 1) that aims to develop quantitative risk assessment and guidance for precautionary labelin [...]
Senior Director of Food Consulting Services, EAS Consulting Group (US). He has expertise in the areas of food processing, particularly in the area of dairy processing, infant formula, bakery products, food addi [...]
Food Safety Microbiologist. [...]
Director, René Crevel Consulting Limited. René Crevel runs a consultancy centred on food allergens and their management, following a career at Unilever’s Safety and Environmental Assurance C [...]
Director of Food Policy, Science and R&D at Food and Drink Europe (FDE). [...]
Professor of environmental toxicology and ecogenomics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands). He has 30 years of professional experience as a licensed toxicologist. He is the founder and CEO of BioDe [...]
Team leader - Head of Mass Spectrometry at Institute of Sciences of Food Production - National Research Council of Italy (ISPA- CNR) (Italy). She has 25 years’ experience in food allergen analytical chemistry [...]
He is Associate Profofessor and Head of Department of Food Technology at University Centre Koprivnica (Croatia). He is also a member of the Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI). [...]
She is a food safety expert, consultant, and educator in food safety, food microbiology, and food safety management systems. She was President of the South African Association for Food Science and Te [...]
R&D manager of the Molecular Biology Department at Neotron - Cotecna Group (Italy). Degree in chemistry and pharmaceutical technologies. She has a twenty-year experience in the field of food diagnostics (GMO, a [...]
Global Technical Development and Business Support Manager for Health & Nutrition at SGS (UK). He is an skilled food chemist, experienced in laboratory operations & management, and EU food regulation req [...]
Scientific Officer at JRC Geel [...]
Director of Food Authenticity and Site Manager of Eurofins Food Integrity Control Services GmbH (Germany). He has 20 years professional experience as a certified food chemist, with more than 15 years’ experi [...]
Technical Officer and Lead Assessor at ACCREDIA – Testing Laboratory Department (Italian Accreditation Body). He holds a degree in Food Science and Technology. He has more than 15 years experience in th [...]
Consultant. Previously Global Product Manager at FOSS Analytical [...]
CEO at MIA SOLUTION (Italy). She is an internationally recognized compliance advisor in food | feed | pet food |cosmetics, crisis manager and business continuity specialist and awarded author. During the last [...]
Senior researcher at The Russian State Center for Animal Feed And Drug Standardization And Quality VGNKI, Rosselkoznadzor (Russia). He holds a master’s degree in microbiology (Lomonosov Moscow State Universi [...]
Terry Goddard, Vice President, Product Development at EnviroLogix. Terry has been with EnviroLogix for over eighteen years, demonstrating a proven track record of innovative product research and development. Te [...]
Professor Pasquale Ferranti is full professor of Food Science & Technology at the University of Naples, Italy. His research activity focuses on development and analysis of novel food and ingredients, on the stu [...]
Associate Professor at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Food Science and Technology (US). His research interests include the examination of the digestive stability of major food allergens and deter [...]
Director and Principal Consultant at Brooke-Taylor & Co. Pty Ltd. [...]
Multimedia freelance journalist (Russia).He has been writing about the veterinary system in Russia & the CIS region since 2008. Occasionally, he reports about the health care service industry. He holds a ma [...]
J. David Miller PhD FAIHA Distinguished Research Professor, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada [...]
Director Global Marketing at R-Biopharm AG [...]
Business Development Executive at Lab-Ind Resource Sdn Bhd.He works with the business development team as a data analyst. Additionally, he also applies his data analytics toolkit to biological data a [...]
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie | IZSVe - Public Health and Risk Analysis [...]
Consultant and co-founder of FOCOS GbR (Food Consulting Strategically). She holds a Veterinary Degree and PhD in Veterinary Medicine with specialty on Food Safety and Food Technology. She has an extensive expe [...]
She is assistant Professor in the field of nutrition and food law at Campus Venlo of Maastricht University. Partly through founding the Food Claims Centre Venlo, she aims to make (European) food law more eviden [...]
-Assistant professor at University of Nebraska–Lincoln (US).Her primary research interests are in food proteomics, with a specific focus on the proteomics of allergenic foods. The Downs lab utilizes pro [...]
Dr Chiara Nitride is a research scientist at the University of Naples. Her research focuses on novel plant-based-food proteins, looking at digestibility and allergenicity. She has a long experience working with [...]
Dr. Seema holds a post graduate degree in food biotechnology and doctoral degree from IIT Delhi in the area of Food supply chain and Policy connotation. She has around 20 years of specific experience in the are [...]
Sales specialist for Bio-Rad Life Science, marketing manager at Generon, key account manager for Food and Pharma at Applied Biosystems (now Thermo-Fisher). He is an expert in food testing market, molecular biol [...]
Director of the Centre of Excellence in Mycotoxicology and Public Health; full professor (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences) Coordinator of MYTOX (association research platform) and MYTOX-SOUTH (ITN, internati [...]
Limbikani Matumba is Full Professor of Food Analysis & Safety and Dean of Faculty of Life Sciences and Natural Resources at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR). Before being ap [...]
Managing Director at Hylobates Consulting Srl. He is a food risk scientist, and an expert in food and food supplement regulation. After public health and food risk assessment studies at Johns Hopkins, in the U [...]
Founding Director (retired) of the Food Allergy Research and Resource Program (FARRP), and Professor Emeritus with the Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Nebraska (US). His research intere [...]
Olga is Analyst in the Public Health Directorate of Valencia, Senior Researcher in FISABIO and part-time Professor at the Analytical Chemistry Department, University of Valencia. She is a member of the Platform [...]
Graham Yearwood, Ph.D. is Director of R&D at Eurofins Abraxis. Dr. Yearwood has over 25 years of experience in the design, developing and commercializing of numerous first and only in-vitro diagnostic produ [...]
Paul Miller & Associates (Australia). [...]
He is Research Director at the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS). He is also member of two EFSA working group. [...]
Professor of Food Science and Nutrition at IUBH (Germany). He holds MSc and PhD degrees in Food Technology and Biotechnology from BOKU, the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Aus [...]
Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlands [...]
Review Toxicologist in the Division of Food Contact Substances in US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [...]
Eleonora Cordero got the Master’s Degree in Agricultural Sciences in 2015 at University of Turin. After the Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences, mainly focused on precision farming, she started working in Moss [...]
Independent Consultant (Canada). He has a Ph.D. in lipid metabolism and an extensive background in lipid biochemistry, lipid analysis, standards and standards development gained in the academic, industry, and n [...]
Partner at Keller and Heckman LLP [...]
She is a social scientist by training and has a keen interest in the intersection of public policy, food law, and sustainability. She is currently pursuing a PhD at Maastricht University’s Food Claims Centre [...]
CEO of BIOsens (Ukraine). According to the Financial Times, Andrii Karpiuk is one of eastern Europe’s 100 emerging technology stars. He is an expert in biotech and mycotoxin biosensors and with his team he w [...]
Consultant [...]
Principal consultant for Food Safety, Microbiology and Hygiene (France). He has spent 15 years working for major dairy and confectionary food business companies. Since 2010, he has been a French delegate at the [...]
CEO of Affidia and editor in chief of Affidia Journal. He has a Master degree in Biochemistry and started his career investigating the DNA adducts of PAH to DNA (University of Padova in cooperation with the Can [...]
Business Manager / Consultant at Bio-Check (UK). He is a member of the Anaphylaxis Campaign Corporate panel and an active participant in the Food Allergen analytical community. He worked internationally for lea [...]
Honorary Professor at Queen's University (Belfast). Previously: Consulting Referee Analyst at LGC Government Chemist Programme (UK). His primary role at LGC was overall responsibility for the supervision of sta [...]
IFS - International Featured Standards (Germany). [...]
He holds a master’s degree in Agricultural Science and a one-year Post–degree Master on management of organic farms (University of Sassari, Italy). He worked for 5 years in one of the [...]
Vural Gökmen, BSc, MSc, PhD is professor in the Food Engineering Department at Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. His responsibilities include to teach at undergraduate and graduate levels, to supervise [...]
Research Fellow at Department of Population Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK). She has a multi-disciplinary background in veterinary sciences, infectious disease immunology, vaccine de [...]
Technical Director / Registered Food Safety Manager at MP Technical Solutions Ltd. He is a food safety professional with over 15 years of work experience at top UK food businesses. His consultancy company speci [...]
Analytical scientist with over nine years of experience in ISO:17025 accredited food-testing laboratories. Following his BSc/MSc studies in Italy, Lorenzo obtained a PhD in Analytical Chemistry, working on deve [...]
Principal Scientist Food Allergy and Immunotoxicology at TNO and Professor at UMC Utrecht (The Netherlands). He is specialised in risk assessment and risk management of allergens in food, emergency risk assessm [...]
Michele Suman, PhD, is a food safety and authenticity research manager at the Barilla Group where he works internationally with public and private research centres and organizations on food chemistry, food safe [...]
Prof. Rychlik develops new analysis methods for physiologically active foodstuff ingredients such as mycotoxins, vitamins and flavonoids. In order to assess their biological activity, these substances and their [...]
He is Specialist in Chemical Contaminants at Nestlé Research in Lausanne (Switzerland) for > 10 years. He supports Nestlé businesses by providing analytical methods and scientific expertise for [...]
Head, Food Safety and Analytical Quality COntrol Laboratory at CFTRI [...]
Director of BioDetection Systems BV(The Netherlands). He has been involved in testing dioxins/PCBs since his PhD at Eberhard-Karls University of Tübingen, Germany (1993). He has additional professional workin [...]
Gianfranco Brambilla, DVM, national specialist in Veterinary Public Health, European Specialist in Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology is a senior investigator at National Health Institute, in Rome, Italy. A [...]
Partner, Keller and Heckman LLP [...]
Head of Food Safety - Chemical Contaminants and Packaging at Nestlé [...]
Mari Eskola, PhD, is a Regulatory Affairs Expert on the Food & Nutrition and Feed Team at Medfiles Ltd, Finland, In 2001, she was a Senior Consultant at Ecobio Oy, Helsinki, Finland, [...]
Managing Director at Remington Consulting Group B.V. (The Netherlands) and Adjunct Assistant Professor at University of Nebraska (Department of Food Science & Technology - Food Allergy Research & Resour [...]
Researcher at Department of Food and Drug, University of Parma, Parma, Italy.She is a member of the ILSI Europe Scientific Advisory Board since 2020. [...]
Quality management | Reducing complexity | In-house training and coaching | Supplier evaluation and supplier audits [...]
A Food safey expert with over 20 years industry experience and with 16 years’ experience in various laboratory, management and quality roles in the food manufacturing industry. She is a member of ASM, and [...]
Assistant Professor at Institute of Microbiology, University of Agriculture (Pakistan). The focus of his research is the molecular epidemiology of multidrug resistant bacteria at human-animal-environment interf [...]
Founder of AMR Insights (The Netherlands). He graduated in Microbiology and obtained his PhD in Chemistry. Over time he became involved with Antimicrobial resistance as a global challenge. In early 2017 he sta [...]
Food lawyer and global advisor at Food Law Latest (Italy). He is an expert in food safety, food labelling, local (IT, EU, US) and international food law, food fraud prevention and mitigation, food recall/withdr [...]
He is co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer at GeneSeq, Malaysia. He leads the development of bespoke next-generation sequencing solutions for complex industrial challenges. Prior to industry, he published ex [...]
He holds a master’s degree in food safety and quality management, with a major interest in microbiological food safety and food diagnostics. He is a certified junior food analyst by the food authority of [...]
Co-Founder and General Director of FoodLife International Ltd (Turkey). She holds a PhD in Analytical Chemistry. The company she works in undertakes food safety R&D project work and uniquely operates a remo [...]
Research Associate at NIAB - National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (India). She is specialized in alternate antibacterial therapies, antimicrobial resistance, MRSA and Biofilm. [...]
Dr Curtis completed her PhD at Rothamsted Research as a postgraduate student registered in the Food Biosciences Department at Reading University. She continued investigations into acrylamide mitigation in wheat [...]
Food Safety Program Manager at NIZO food research. [...]
Operative Quality Director at Importaco. [...]
Senior Director of Technical Service at Neogen Corporation [...]
Associate Professor Senior food safety consultant for Foodmate Deputy Secretary of the Beijing Food and Drug Safety Enterprise Alliance Dr. Sun Rubao is responsible for consulting on food safety laws, regulatio [...]
She is Food Safety Advisor (EMEA Microbiologist) at Cargill. Experienced Associate Research Scientist with a demonstrated history of working in the food production industry. Skilled in Food & Beverage, [...]
Full professor of food chemistry at University of Naples [...]
He is a senior researcher from The Russian State Center for Animal Feed And Drug Standardization And Quality VGNKI, Rosselkoznadzor (Moscow, RU). He holds a master’s degree in microbiology (Lomonosov Moscow S [...]
Analytical Chemist [...]
Professor of Molecular Allergology at the University of Manchester, Institute of Biotechnology (UK). She is currently working with the University Hospital of South Manchester using her knowledge to understand, [...]
Barbara has worked with many different food manufacturing and catering companies. She brings a practical and pragmatic approach to allergen management. She has advised many companies on their codes of practices [...]
Assistant Professor (Microbiology and Immunology) at Chitwan Medical College and Teaching Hospital (Nepal). [...]
Scientific Advisor to Proficiency Testing at Fera Science Ltd [...]
Food safety consultant and Senior Director of Food Safety and Contamination Prevention for WorldAware (US). He has served in the following capacities: Michigan State University Adjunct Assistant Professor of A [...]
Principal consultant at Gendel Food Safety LLC [...]
Maria Nelson has worked with the AOAC RI and AOAC INTERNATIONAL since 2003 as a technical consultant coordinating microbiology and chemistry method validation studies in the Performance Tested MethodsSM (PTM) a [...]
Professor Magan completed his BSc in Botany and PhD in Plant Pathology at Exeter University. He subsequently completed his PhD at Rothamsted Research while being registered at Reading University. He was awarded [...]
Ph.D. in Applied Mycology. Currently a researcher at the Federal University of Santa Maria – Brazil. Experienced in studies for mycotoxin mitigation in food products, fungal ecology, and effects of [...]
Journalist | Author | Speaker | Researcher [...]
Owolabi Ayowole is a trained Grains Quality Assurance Manager and Branch Manager. He holds a Bachelors degree in Pure and Applied Chemistry from the University of Ilorin and Master’s degree in Analytical [...]
Fernando Rubio, Abraxis founder and CSO for Eurofins Abraxis, Inc. He has over 40 years of experience in the industry, holds more than a dozen patents and over 50 publications and book chapters. Fernando focuse [...]
Professor of food Chemistry at University of Parma (Italy). He has been studying food chemistry and food safety for 25+ years, with a particular focus on bioactive compounds and xenobiotics. He has applied seve [...]
He received his Ph.D. (1981) at the University of Valencia. In 1978 he became Assistant Professor and in 1985 he spent a year as a postdoctoral research associate at the Chemistry Department of the Imperial Col [...]
Associate Professor [...]
Specialist in allergen management for the food industry, allergen risk assessment (VITAL), labeling and allergen analysis. [...]
She is a scientific journalist who writing appears on Nature, Inside Climate News, Wired UK, Corriere della Sera among others. She collaborates with universities and institutions for science communication. She [...]
Laboratory National Reference Laboratory for Halogenated POPs in food and feed [...]