Finnebrogue, one of the UK's leading food producers, is set to trial a generative AI chatbot designed to assist employees with allergen-related inquiries. The initiative, in collaboration with the supply chain managem [...]
Recent research from Finland has found that glyphosate, a widely used herbicide, is contaminating manure-based fertilizers, posing risks to both organic and conventional tomato growers. The study was prompted [...]
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has just published its scientific and technical assistance report regarding the safety of human-identical milk oligosaccharides (HiMOs) as novel foods. This evaluation comes amid a [...]
The canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland, has taken decisive action against the sale of beef found to contain harmful chemical substances known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances). This decision was announced after the cantonal governmen [...]
The Allergen Bureau has recently unveiled the latest version of its VITAL® Voluntary Incidental Trace Allergen Labelling (VITAL®) risk assessment tool, VITAL® 4.0, to support food manufacturers in managing allergens and making inf [...]
A recent study has introduced a comprehensive framework to identify and prioritize the most critical microbiological risks in infant food products based on their potential impact. This framework will help determine which pathogens require stringe [...]
“Education of consumers, healthcare providers, food business operators, risk assessors and risk managers is critical to PAL management” (FAO/WHO 2021)
What is PA [...]
Nowadays, we are exposed to thousands of chemicals in our daily lifes by many pathways of exposure, for example, by ingestion of food and water, inhalation of air and dust, de [...]
How to apply and adjust processes to achieve levels of acrylamide as low as reasonably achievable below the benchmark level.
Cooking is an ancient practice that improves organoleptic properties of foods, nutrient bioavailability, [...]