Monday, 9 September 2024

Articles - Food Safety

Food Safety: Drug residues - AMR

Impact of antimicrobial use in animals on antimicrobial resistance in humans

Food Safety: Pathogens, Microbiology

Pathogen outbreaks in Europe: growing concern or more efficient source-tracking?

Food Safety: Drug residues - AMR

Use of antibiotics and AMR: U.S. perspective

Food Safety: Drug residues - AMR

Anti-antibiotics campaign is needed in Russia

Food Safety: Drug residues - AMR

How European public health authorities and food businesses are working to reduce AMR by reducing antibiotic consumption

Food Safety: Dioxins & PCBs

Dioxins in food and feed

Food Safety: Food Frauds

Honey adulteration: an introduction

Food Safety: Allergens - gluten

Food allergies: some epidemiological data

Food Safety: Allergens - gluten

Food allergen safety: a US perspective

Food Safety: Industrial, Allergens - gluten

Perspectives in the food industry

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