Rapid methods for onsite detection of mycotoxins
23/03/2022 - 11:00 - 13:00 GMT+1
Roland E. Poms, PhD
Laura Anfossi, PhD, Prof.
Owolabi Ayowole
Kaushik Banerjee, PhD
Nicola Bortoletto, PhD
Eleonora Cordero, PhD
Terry Goddard
Swami Haladi, PhD
Anthony Lupo
Michela Menicagli, MSc
Gerardo Molina
Maria Nelson
Lalitha R. Gowda, PhD
Wim Reybroeck, PhD
Marco Sigola
Jörg Stroka, PhD
Paulina Tamez-Hidalgo, PhD
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Why this event
Since many years ago, the risk of contamination of food and feed by mycotoxins has been reduced by careful control of raw materials. Rapid methods played a key role in this. There are many products on the market. Products are not only fast, but also accurate enough, so… is everything fine? Actually, it is unclear, considering this topic is often neglected in scientific conferences. The few presentations about test kits are by the producers, almost never by independent experts. This is why Affidia decided to do the opposite: we will give the floor to those that everyday control grains and milk to avoid consumers and animals could be exposed to hazardous toxins. At the same time, we want to highlight the job of test kit certification bodies: third-party performance assessments are particularly needed, considering end-users are rarely in the conditions to do it.
The format
We do not like classic webinars: 80-90% of the time is occupied by long slide presentations, something that people can watch at any moment on-demand. A live event makes sense if the organizers can gather experts and professionals that report their experience and discuss the topic, not just because there is a short Q&A section at the end. This is why we launched “Affidia Talks”, real live discussions stimulated by facts and witnesses in a video introduction.
Who should attend
This event will be very useful for safety and quality managers of the food and feed industries, as well as operators of companies that certify stocks of grains before the shipments. It is also a unique opportunity for test kit manufacturers and sellers to learn more about the troubles their customers are facing.
Panel 1
Marco Sigola - Cereal Docks (Italy)
Owolabi Ayowole - Dabol Nigeria Limited (Nigeria)
Eleonora Cordero - Mosso Agricoltura Srl (Italy)
Swami Haladi, PhD - Trouw Nutrition Asia Pacific (India)
Michela Menicagli - Cometec Group Srl (Italy)
Panel 2
Wim Reybroeck, PhD - ILVO (Belgium)
Kaushik Banerjee, PhD - ICAR / FSSAI (India)
Lalitha R. Gowda, PhD - CSIR / FSSAI (India)
Maria Nelson - Expert reviewer for AOAC-RI (USA)
Jörg Stroka, PhD - JRC Geel (Belgium)
Video introduction Panel 1.2
Laura Anfossi, Prof. PhD - University of Turin (Italy)
Terry Goddard - Envirologix (USA)
Anthony Lupo - Neogen/AOAC (USA)
Ronald Niemeijer - R-Biopharm (Germany)
George Papageorgiou - Prognosis Biotech (Greece)
Video introduction Panel 1.3
Paulina Tamez-Hidalgo, PhD - Consultant (Denmark)
Nicola Bortoletto, PhD - Generon SpA (Italy)
Gerardo Molina - Consultant (Mexico)
Agenda of the event
11:00 - 11:13
Welcome and video introduction n.1
The demand for rapid testing in the food and feed chain. How LFDs have been a breakthrough in this scenario.
11:13 - 11:25
Panel 1.1
11:25 - 11:40
Video introduction n.2
The tech challenges to get devices with satisfactory performances: interviews with a few scientists and manufacturers.
11:40 - 11:50
Panel 1.2
11:50 - 12:00
Video introduction n.3
Is everything fine? Interviews with some experts and some dealers of rapid methods. The need for education.
12:00 - 12:10
Panel 1.3
12:10 - 12:15
Video introduction n.4
The need for third part performances assessment; the different goals of different certification schemes.
12:15 - 12:30
Panel 2
12:30 - 12:38
Vendor's sponsored video
12:38 - 12:55
Q&A with panel 1+2
12:55 - 13:00